Sunday, September 6, 2009

Broken Promises, Lies, and Infidelity

Being trustworthy is an awesome character trait and is essential in a relationship.

Broken Promises:


Keeping promises to our spouse is a very important part of a relationship.It builds trust and shows we are committed in what we say and do.



Lying is like a broken promise but much worse. Unlike a promise, which you hope you can keep, a lie is an untruth that deceives people into believing truth, which in fact is not true, but a lie!

Lack of Committment:

If a person is not committed in what they do they will eventually be dishonest in its interactions. This is also true with any relationships. Couples aren’t committed

to each other, what do you think is going to happen? You guessed it. All sorts of deceitful deeds will be acted upon; making couples feel jealous, doubt, mistrust, and suspicion.



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