This article reports on a study that finds dehydration causes not only physical angst, but also has a negative effect on your mood. I recently wrote about water and nausea, and I maintain the dogma that when you’re feeling icky in any way, the first thing you should do is drink a big glass of water. It can’t hurt, and much of the time it will help.
In other beverage news, the Drs. Mohr at reported on red wine and how its touted health benefits may be exaggerated, while green tea holds up as a powerful antioxident-filled drink that provides a nice energy boost.
It seems that with most people, simply changing your beverage intake can be a huge step toward a much healthier, fitter lifestyle. Especially if you drink sodas, flavored coffee drinks, and lots of alcohol, cutting back to mostly water (and a lot of it), black coffee and tea, and the occasional glass (5 oz.) of wine can save a lot of calories and make you feel much better, even if you change nothing else about your diet.
- albledsoe
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